

I once wrote a tune--it was in the style of an air, but I don't think it was quite that good--with this title.

Emptiness can mean a lot of things. Sometimes it as as simple as a vase with nothing in it--though is it possible; having dust and that in it, to be empty--but it often means more.

After losing a friend, one might feel awfully empty. Sometimes a homesick person (for some people it truly is only sometimes, but for others it can be chronic) feels empty for home. And those are only two.

I was in the little blue house when I wrote that tune about something completely different--but it seems that the little simple arpeggio-heavy piece has shown itself to be faceted.

It's too bad one can't post sheet music on their blogs--or, more accurately, that I have not the resources to do that myself. Then, those of you who might be able to read music would see the little piece I am talking about...or even play it and see how it sounds. I'd also post the other one, the prettier one to my opinion--though both are arpeggio-heavy and in a minor key and that's what I like--called, "Wish".

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