

Well, last night was the first night I didn't sleep well and was grateful for it. Not sleeping well reminded me that I had just watched a movie. Our DVD player conked out, I was wondering what on earth happened to the Millenium falcon (and what did happen made me laugh!) and the last two days were just terrible. But things really looked up yesterday, until at the climax we watched the entire rest of "The Empire Strikes Back" without a hitch. Wow. It was just wonderful.

The whole Star Wars story is this: One day, in an attempt to share with us something somewhat culturally important (would you believe the number of Star Wars quotes I'm finding everywhere now?) Daddy picked up the original "Star Wars". (Now episode IV) I was less than excited about it, thinking I didn't like Science Fiction (and still don't, except for Star Wars and even better, there's a trilogy by C.S. Lewis that I've read two of. And that's cool). Well, by the end of the movie, we were begging for the sequels.

This movie is a wonderful continuation. Some sequels should never be written, but this one was not one of those. Leia had really good character development; in the first movie, she's strong and capable of doing a lot of things herself (which won me to watch the movie before it started), but with one exception she doesn't seem to have many feelings of anything except happiness and seriousness. Even with Alderaan, she doesn't bat an eye, though she's upset, if I remember correctly. There is one point in this movie where she's almost crying, and I was, too! Narnia almost made me cry, too. That's the mark of a good movie, for me.

Anyway, if you don't mind Star Wars or science fiction, this is a good thing to watch. And yes, I stand firm in my resolution that Han is much hotter than Luke! =)

P.S. I am still a folk music nut, believe it or not. Guess what I'm writing my big school report on!

P.P.S. The title is a quote that doesn't make sense out of context, but to give the context would spoil a huge secret of the movie. I'm not taking my chances, I knew the secret because of a slip of Daddy's and something he said once when showing us Star Wars had never crossed his mind (e.g. less than a year ago!!!)
Saro again

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