
New Website Design

No, not for me...yet. Aubrey Atwater and Elwood Donnelly (together the duo Atwater-Donnelly which also appears as a trio and a band sometimes now) have done a massive change in the decor of their website. It went from green to purple and the title picture changed, as well as other things. It looks even better than it did before, though it was kind of a shock to open the browser (it's the page that my browser starts up on) and be greeted by a big purple page instead of a big green one! It looks great, so check it out!

By the way, if you click on the photo album link, the picture of the "Seattle-based fans" is of me and my sister (I know, the names are different, I am just using pseudonyms on this site for almost everyone for the time being). We're still fighting over what to be for Hallowe'en this year, but I bet it won't get web coverage (our latest plan is an in-joke) (my idea I don't think Susie would go for) on my site or anyone else's!

So I will leave you with a link and that little musical piece in my last web entry. Now I've got to get off the computer and do something productive :).

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