

Ugh. There's nothing to write about. Well, sure, there's things happening (like I finished my mum's mother's day present and next to Susie's I hope she'll like it) and I'm thinking things (Janet O'Lean, did you know your friend Siofra barged into my story? Who's idea was that? It sure wasn't mine! And how on earth did you learn Spanish, Siofra?) and I'm doing things (2x + 1/2 = 7) but it's not very interesting to the rest of you (actually, probably nothing's really interesting to the rest of you that I write about). So, what on earth do I write about? If I don't write, my chance of getting comments goes down quite a bit. And if I don't write, I'm also going to die of boredom. Hm.

I guess I will just say that I found a new Christmas carol yesterday and I am trying to see if it'll work in our Christmas program (the one Susie and I will do for our parents). If it doesn't, I will salvage the tune. How I found the Christmas carol is pretty simple. I have the lyrics to this Jean Ritchie song that I am trying to figure out how to sing. I also have the MIDI but it isn't quite making sense. So I went to her website, got a list of recordings and samples and finally clicked on the sample that I wanted. (it worked, by the way). Now, going to a site of folk music samples is like going into a bakery that has a wall full of free samples. Sampling just one is impossible. So, I found a carol with quite a familiar tune (Some of my family would hear it and associate a similar tune with "The King Shall Come"), and I hunted down the lyrics. I'm still not sure, as it doesn't quite fit with the theme. But I got a good tune anyway.

That's about all. I guess I did have something to write about, anyway. Hm. Sooooo....I guess I'll say zai djen. Have a good day.

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