Mixed media
Yesterday Micha and Kiana came over with their parents and Skylie, for dinner. Among other things, we played Star Wars. In this, Darth Vader is sick, and makes his stunning declaration to Luke and Leia as they nurse him back to health. But Leia is positive he is delirious. Meantime, Leia's bratty daughter is getting in the way and annoying Vader to all get-out.
As we were drawing pictures, I was thinking: "Wait a moment! Why are the rebels doing this service to the bad guy? Why hasn't he strangled 'em all by now? What on earth?"
As I was applying water color to my marker picture, I thought, "Hey! It's mixed media. I'm trying to put 'love your enemies' and 'turn the other cheek' and pacifist stuff into Star Wars. How on earth did I get that idea?" (I like playing Star Wars because I get to yell at people, e.g. Darth Vader and Han Solo, for different reasons)
And after that there was more mixed media. Chinese dinner followed up with M & M cookies. A rock version of Shady Grove (that was my fault) (I bet the people in the days of yore turned in their graves) (maybe not...). That was about it, but suddenly I realized, my whole life is that way. If you read my stories, you'll find a few instances that sound like they were lifted from a ballad and thrown in there. They were. And probably not very well either, though some of those ballads would make great novels!
Anyway, I could continue, but I won't do something like that to you. See you again soon!