
Ten ancient world resolutions

I really have nothing to say, so I have a little game for you. I will write out ten resolutions for people fromt the ancient world--famous ones, I mean, and then you guess who I'm referring to. Answers are in the Haloscan Comments page (click on the "x amount of people has/have commented :)" link).

1. I will beware the fifteenth of March.
2. If I see a cloud shooting from a nearby mountain, I will run for it.
3. The best way to get on the good side of Julius Ceaser is not to kill Pompey.
4. The kid can ride the horse. It's a good investment.
5. I will avoid elephants and the Alps.
6. I will let people stand on my diagram if my life hinges on it.
7. I will decide once and for all where to put my burial chamber.
8. I will not be a slave for a dying king--it's way too dangerous.
9. I will not play ball, because I might end up a sacrifice.
10. I will not be shocked if my master jumps out of the bathtub to come up with a conclusive experiment to his latest hypothesis.

Don't worry if you haven't got many of these--I have a really good curriculum this year.
Good luck!

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