
Eerie? or Ayer?

Just how do you pronounce the sirname "Eyre", anyway. I finished (in two days!) a book where the heroine's name is Jane with that particular sirname. It's by Charlotte Bronte (oomlat on the last e) (sorry, Mum, I can't spell oomlaat) and it's a classic. Now, let me tell you, if you are a schoolgirl and you love to read and you can't stand suspense (like me), read this book on a weekend!!! I had to space intervals of it between school assignments, and I cannot believe how crazy I went for a book! The only other book that I have not been able to put down willingly is Megan's Island by Willo Davis Roberts. I think. Correct me if I've got the name wrong. The second, third, fourth, or fifth time, that is an easy read, but the first time I stayed up so late just to read it. I think I am more likely to reread Megan's Island than Jane Eyre, but we only own Jane Eyre and not Megan's Island. And that is a choice I would've made if suddenly they were both sitting right there for ten kuai and I could choose (note to myself: I have thirty-seven kuai from the forty, but I want another minority doll (preferrably Bai) and then the rest I will blow on Beacon Hill sights to charm me. Don't go thinking about books, now!) between them.

So, it's a great book, but I don't see how I can give away the non-important bits without giving away the rest, so...check it out yourself! Later I will do a blog post on the circumstances of us owning this five ninety-nine book for a dollar fifty, almost.

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