
De footwear and de ogre

Well, guess what! It is so hot here and yesterday, Mum says, "Tomorrow we'll go sandal shopping." I guess you don't know, but, guess what, I had been promised sandals in September and the promise was reiterated in January in very hot Thailand!

Well, the night rolls around, and all of a sudden, Mum says that perhaps we should watch Shrek tonight and not go sandal shopping. The way school goes, 'twouldn't be possible to do both--sorry about the "folk song English"--and that sparked a few bad feelings because Susie and Mum wanted to go ahead with that but I didn't, and Daddy--well, Daddy is very noncommital and goes with the flow too much, so even if he had a preference I never found out.

This morning, I hit upon a plan. This plan involved strenuous work at school--like, doing all my math in the morning instead of the afternoon and taking no breaks, and it was a three way deal--Daddy, the teacher, would be flexible and open to doing things and would assist us to talk to Mum and stuff, Susie, the I-hate-everything, would have to work at it anyways, and finally, I, the lazybones, would have to get on my own tail to do it. And? We did. And, Mum accepted to go shopping with us to get sandals.

I will post a picture of my sandals when I get the chance--they're white, like the shoes I used to get on Holy Saturday for Easter wear, and actually, quite like a pair of dress-shoes a couple years ago, yet not dressy enough to warrant them unsuited for general sandal wear. Which means...I got sandals I love and will wear everywhere for a few days (just not up Qi Shan or Ba Shan or something like that), at the least. They cost a little over three dollars--25 kuai. Susie's were a bit over four--35 kuai. Together was 60 kuai--li'l bit over $7.00. But they will probably become indispensible if I know me.

Oh, yeah, and we're watching Shrek tonight, to. The concencus was: Pepsi or Coke (Coke) and Chou tze or popcorn (popcorn). I had to give in on both, but I helped choose Coke because they had a bigger bottle. And, I gave in on the Chou tze because I always want a good Yunnan apple with that and I'm full from pork and beansprouts. It's a wonderful world!

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