
The Road to Tacoma

Riding to Grandma's house on a Christmas day is a cherished memory. I'd like to share it with you...

The gray sweep of the Duwamish mirrors the sky.
The trees along the road are dark green.
The road is wet and cars gleam.

Travel southward, travel south
Lined with green and lined with brown
Travel towards the cheery red house
Lined with lights like rainbow ice--
For it's Christmas day and joy lies wrapped beneath a tree
Wrapped in color, wrapped in white,
On the ground or on the straw.

High above stands a car dealership.
Why they have a jet plane, I don't know, all I know is
They have lights on it now.
Dark car tracks on lighter roads.
Almost noon.

Turn off the exit and go 'round the hill--
Stay off the lanes that go back to Seattle
Stay in the Thru Traffic lanes.
The chiropracter's office looks like a big candy cane--wrapped in red, you know.
Turn down a street and drive over speed bumps.
Park the car and run inside.

Someday, I want to be a writer.

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