
Farewell, my friends...

I never had a "over the fence" sort of friend. I never had a friend that I would play with every day. My mum says it's good, 'cause I'm not influenced by peer pressure as much, like, you know:

You don't like rap? Gee, you're weird. and You don't want to be completely in style? What is your problem, Saro?

I do have a good friend, Evonne, and I really miss her. She's a neat friend. Like she likes all sorts of pop music and stuff like Brittney Spears that I really can't stand, but I listen to her talk about it and then she'll listen to me blamming about Aubrey Atwater or something. And sometimes we used to write secret letters to people (I won't tell you who). Secret letters is when you write a letter (that's sometimes deeply personal) that you'd love to send to this celebrity or person you know but you wouldn't dare to. We all have our personal reasons. They're secrets, I won't even give you hints about what they're about or who they're to.

Evonne and I have known each other since...yeeks, I think I was nine or ten. Ever since we've been pretty good friends. We'd talk about school life--"math sucks" and all that--and I'd tell her what it was like to be homeschooled. We still correspond pretty regularly and once we wrote a story, "Uncle Mouth and Aunt Teeth". She came up with the names and most of the events, and I wrote it. It was stupid, because I'm not really good with short fiction (I either build up to the climax much too quickly and it gets too short, or else I take too long and the climax happens at the end of the tale), but we had a lot of fun and correspondence was all about Uncle Mouth and Aunt Teeth and Qwerty Uiop.

Oh, and the Dai food tonight was really good. I highly recommend, come to Lone Valley and check it out. It is dee-licious.

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