
Forgotten Road

It's shameless the way I write--so much, so often! I'm sure it's just novelty, so--if you enjoy my writing, watch while you can.

Right now, I'm listening to Folksounds--that's a program on KBCS. We can get it on our computer live--Folksounds is on from 11 o'clock-1 o'clock China time. It's a very cool program. Thanks, Eric Hardee! That has another post in and of itself--why don't I do those posts, ever? Anyway, the song just played makes me think of the forgotten road.

It's a pretty road. We were driving along the road to Yunxian, which goes on to Kunming, and we saw another road, lined with eucalyptus trees and somewhat overgrown.

"It is the old road to Kunming," our driver--who is the dean of the English department and a bit of a wonder (he can carry on an English conversation, which is wierd for the English department!)--said. "This is the new one."

I began to wonder. The old road to Kunming. I don't think it's used anymore, and it haunted me until I put it to music--I wrote a tune and fit words to it. It's for any forgotten road...

Forgotten Road

Winding through the hills and the mountains,
A dusty dark streak of gray
Gone are all the oxcarts and wagons,
For nature has come to stay.

Winding, forgotten road whispers a dream today

Once it led unto a great city
And back to a lonely town.
Now it sits forgotten and winding
Only a ribbon of brown.

Winding, forgotten road whispers a dream today

Once it sounded of wheels and of rattling
And tramping of walking feet.
Now, it's dead, as dead as a cliff face
More dead than a quiet street.

Winding, forgotten road whispers a dream today

The music on right now makes me think of a weekend back at the Lagan--or actually a Tuesday when we were painting the bedroom. It was finally finished, and I was so tired, and suddenly I heard Cari Norris' name on Folksounds! I was so excited that she did one of my favorite songs, "Red Rocking Chair".

Goodbye for now.

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