Bored stiff
I am bored stiff right now. I'm talking about weblog-worthy things. Oh, yeah, we have borrowed at least a ton of books that are worth reading and rereading, I have schoolwork, I'm doing a lot of Star Wars related web searches...yeah. But...there's nothing much going on to blog about. A sore throat is getting me down and is making playing tin whistle very uncomfortable. Tomorrow my dad and sister are going to a village school all day for children's day, but I opted out of that. Sorry, but I bet he'll blog about it, if you wait long enough and don't mind morals (he's like Louisa May Alcott in that he laces everything with a more serious side, but both do it so that they're excusable :) ). We watched 35 minutes of "Return of the Jedi" yesterday, but the bulk of it we'll watch on Saturday. Wonder what it sounds like in Spanish? Learning Spanish might be a good excuse to watch a dubbed version...nah, the technical language would bog me down. Huh, that might be a good idea, though. Also the Spanish section in the library. Anyhow, blogging about movies is dangerous because I found out about a certain something in Star Wars V because some websites assume that everyone knows that one. Uh, no, they don't. However, if I were to blog about movies I would be poking around with specks in other folks' eyes while ignoring a big ol' log in my own (see? Even I put in morals sometimes!), so I won't.
If you have seen some or all of the Star Wars movies and are familiar with the different scenes, check out this site because it has animated spoofs. It's very well done. It does have sound, to warn library or workplace users (not that I know any that would read this...). If you click on "Outer Space" you'll get a funny spoof of "Apology accepted, Captain Needa." My mum (serious-central) was laughing about this one from description only. It's that good!
Well, I have nothing else to say, so I will get back to my book. My mum says that's a better way to waste your time anyhow, and I, computer and movie and internet nut as I am, agree.
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