

Ai-yah, I am so bad at updating. Nothing really is happening, except for school--it's biography time these few weeks. I am currently reading Leonardo da Vinci and will finish it next week, when I begin on Luther. I am also reading The Second Mrs. Giaconda, which is a mixture of funny and serious and is really enjoyable, despite its low rating. Rrr.

But that's boring. Who cares a whit what I read? (Besides Mum, who makes sure I don't read bad stuff, and Daddy, whose interest in my school books I cannot understand, try as I might) So that's why I don't blog about that. My dad has book reviews, check them out, though they're heavy on the Sonlight side--no, that's spelled right. Sonlight is a curriculum. I don't have the URL with me now, but it's the curriculum they're using for me. And I like it a whole lot. But that's straying from the point.

Oh, I could tell you about my Christmas preparations, I suppose. Or Gail's, but that's another story. She asked my mom to write a simple Christmas skit and according to what she's told us, it's getting very interesting. I'm looking forward to it. Anyway, my Christmas preparations involve presents and programs (only one, and that's Becky's and mine to do) and, most importantly, trying to turn a few limp sheets of posterboard and make it into a suitable tree. Unless my parents take the hint and give me an artificial tree for my birthday. Or a Douglas Fir gets abandoned by the side of the road the way our palm branch was...

Let's see--I'm thinking aloud here--I'll need to make more snowflakes. Also, I'll need to buy or beg a sheet of red posterboard for a secret that will be very funny, and I want to decorate everything--this year I can use the TV. No specials this year. Rats. Ummm, what else do I need to do? Oh, yeah, somehow make some more suitable decorations. Hm. Well, that plus eight Christmas presents, half of which are not figured out yet, the other half are mid- or pre-production, and...well, Christmas is my time to get stressed.

And it's really not too early to start thinking about it. I do this every year and this year it's even more important. Pre-Christmas last year was a disaster, but Christmas was great. I want all of the Christmas season to be a success, even if I have to work my tail off.

Anyways, this was just an apology and "nothing to write about" post, so I will close here. Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!

(Oh, and if you think this is early for Christmas, the other day I was looking at St. Patrick's Day cards. But, then again, I'm in a Celtic mood...)

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