
Explaining the revamps...

Oy, vey. Nothing whatsoever is happening. Whatever is happening is boring (read about twenty pages for school. Flunked comprehension questions. Was quizzed on the digestive system), dumb (how to annoy and delight your father on his birthday), too personal (what I think of thus-'n'-such), too weird (do you want to know my ideas for sequels to certain movies???), too silly (for example, an alternate universe story about a couple of toddlers changing the course of the Galaxy), or copyrighted (my Star Wars--Beatles album covers are probably copyrighted to the teeth).

Oh, well, we did do stuff. Like I had an art lesson today. And on Sunday we saw a concert outside by some girl who had apparently placed fourth in the Chinese equivalent of American Idol. From our town! Scary. But only one disappointment: what I thought were shooting stars were actually bugs illuminated by stage lights! Otherwise it could have been magical. In one sense.

I guess this is what I'll do. I'm going to revamp this blog (I wish I could give it a new title, but I don't want my Grandma to freak out!) a whole lot, and then I'm going to start writing differently.

For example, no psuedonyms. My name is Catherine. My sister's name is Becky. My mom and dad are John and Eunice...not respectively! Our last name is not Stuart.

Also, I think this'll be more of a rambling one. I mean, I'm going to stop feeling guilty about blogging something that has nothing to do with daily life. This may actually mean regular posts for a few weeks. Maybe.

So this is the last time I shall sign myself Saro.

P.S. Or maybe this is the last time.

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