
Hola, amigos!

Greetings, not Mexico...Grandma's house!
Today we went to Azteca Mexican Restaurant where the
food is YUMMY. That's the best word to describe it
with...yum yum.

I hope you don't mind that I called you "friends".
Most of you are family or close friends. In fact, I
can't think of anyone who's a regular reader whom I
don't know...

If you've commented, I can't check those until
September. But, please go ahead and comment...I'll be
reading and answering as soon as I can.

Yesterday at Wapato Park I was playing at a playground
and a little boy said a few words like "It's my turn
for the slide" or something like that, and I said,
"Oh, I wasn't using the slide--" (how can I when he
was obviously and quite soundly put on it?) "--I was
just looking at the view from here." He slid down, and
promptly seemed to ignore me, so I slid down and got
on an empty swing. What do I hear emitting from the
playground than, "she's gone!" The tone of voice he
said it in was SO funny! I wish I could videotape it
(Mr. M (Kiana's dad), where are you???) and send it to
you, but nobody can go back in time and duplicate
anything like that. I love little kids.

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