
Wet, wet, wet

What a wet weekend! On Saturday, we started out along the irrigation ditch in a light rain. It soon dried up, and we walked along the concrete wall in perfect peace. On the way back, however, I slipped on some sand and all of a sudden I felt myself falling backward. The next thing I knew--Splash--there I was, in the middle of the irrigation ditch, feeling like a fool and wondering how I was ever going to get out of it. It was really not all that deep but I was soaked and had to change my clothes completely and take a spongebath.

That hasn't been the first of my troubles along this hike, anyhow. There are two ways to get down and the harder one has its slippery points. I've only done it once and will never do it again. One minute I was plunging through mud and the next minute I was in the rice paddy. Yes, it was flooded. Yeeks!

Then, yesterday, we decided to go to the all-new outdoor "mall" and eat supper at Dico's, a new fast-food place. It was wonderful! But in order to get there it was a long walk through a light rain--that is, until the downpour started. I felt like Willie in the song "Drowned Lovers"--"Let me in, 'cause I'm frozen to the skin." (No, that's not a direct quote)

Well, I was wet to the skin and frozen to the skin, but the chicken was delicious.


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