
It happened to me

I've always wondered how they do that. Talking without words, I mean. After all, I am one of those people who can't live without words, practically. Seriously, I mean. I never understood it.

Actually, I still don't understand it. But I have some idea of it. I mean, it's happened to me.

Yesterday, Mum and a Chinese lady who runs an English class for children discussed business. The Chinese lady's daughter also showed up, probably about my sister's age, or so. After a little bit she came into our room. She tried to take off her sandals, but I went and got mine to show her to keep them on. We cleared a spot on the bed, and after a bit of gawking at our room (our room is sort of strange, if you think about it!) she asked, with motions to sit down. I was delighted to have her. I went and got some pictures of America that I'd taken this summer and let her look at them. In the middle of the second roll, she had to leave. But somehow, I felt very happy. Suddenly, I didn't understand something, but it was completely believable. It had happened to me.

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