
Movie music?

Well, THAT was strange. I overheard a very familiar song from our
upstairs neighbors. But it wasn't QUITE familiar, you know, the way it
is when you hear a song you know from one artist with another artist.
Actually, that's what it was, I think. Balkanarama does some movie
tunes, and I think this was one of them. Either that, or it is a
cross-over from my mom's old Tetris games--Tetris being a Russian
computer game that played Russian music in the background. But I
distinctly can hear, now in my head, Eva Moon singing to that tune,
which she most likely would, if you know what I mean. Anyway, I have
neither knowledge of neighbors or language to ask if that was a CD or
if they are watching Russian (I'm assuming) movies. And they'd probably
think I was very strange, anyway.

Yesterday I wrote Haiku and discovered that it is a wonderful way to
veil your thoughts if you aren't bound by more than the five-seven-five
thing. No offense to the Japanese, but I think I'll probably take their
art and write on whatever subjects are at hand.

Black and red color
Wild melody is calling
Wild rhythm cries, "Dance!"

Anyway, getting back to movie music, I am no fan of such unless it's a
VERY memorable score to a VERY memorable moment, or, in this case, if
it's done by some cool Balkan band and I dance to it. Enough said.

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