
Et cetera! Et cetera!

Some movies ought to be rated on whether or not they
make you cry.

Yesterday we saw the King and I, and I think it might
well be one of my favorite musicals. Prejudiced? Yes,
I know. It is. But it's a wonderful musical. Some of
the things can be explained away so you can enjoy the
musical and justify laughing at some of the jokes
yourself. (Two male elephants, for instance? Why,
anyone can forget details when they're excited!) That
means that for you there's a different explanation and
while it might have had a cruel intent you can laugh
at it privately at yourself. Or that you think it's
just amusing and you don't take anything else in
question. Anyway, it's a great musical and please
enjoy it. (Though Anna acts a lot like somebody I
happen to know...)

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