
Waiting with bated breath


I am so bored!!!

Hallowe'en is tomorrow, but meantime there is absolutely nothing to do. I am sick of waiting, waiting, waiting. Waiting until Becky's school is done so we can play, waiting until she finishes reading her book, waiting for someone to do something interesting, waiting for supper...and nothing to do!!!

SIDE NOTE: my November profile pic will be a modification of my Hallowe'en costume, in which I will for obvious reasons not be wearing my glasses. Obvious tomorrow, that is.

Sometimes I wonder (and there is more to this than I'm setting down) if it's all my fault I'm bored. Certainly most of the time it is. But sometimes I think that sometimes other people do have a bit of fault (sometimes). In those cases (like some of today wouldn't be so boring if it hadn't been for...well...never mind) it's hard not to be mad at the person in question. In this case the keyboard is getting the brunt of it, simply because it's not quite fair to be mad at the person in question.

As this year wanes, I realize that what I've definitely learned is that most rules (and I mean rules, not laws, not commands) are flexible. More on that later.

Please no one comment and say I could read books. Truth be told, I can't. And nobody tell me I CAN, because I CANNOT.

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